Special Launch Pricing: 50% Off for Early Users

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Mass Apply to Jobs While You Sleep.

Wake up every morning with dozens of interview requests in your inbox

Sly Apply uses the latest automation technology to apply to 250 jobs per day

"This thing changed my life."

Thomas Salamus

Buy Once.
Own Forever.

Subscription fatigue? 

Sly Apply comes with an unlimited license that includes updates for the rest of your life

24/7 Automated Job Search

Unlimited Updates

Intelligent Job Matching

Untraceable by Recruiters and Employers

Maximum Data Security and Privacy

Unlimited Phone and Email Support Within 24 Hours

Easy Setup

Simplified Profile Management

Smart Application Filters

Customizable Search Criteria


  • What types of jobs can Sly Apply apply to?
    Sly Apply is versatile and designed to apply to a wide range of job types across various industries. Whether you are seeking full-time positions, contracts, or internships, the system can be configured to match your career goals and apply to jobs that meet your specified criteria. It will adjust the details and keywords to match each specific job opening, ensuring that your applications are both personalized and optimized
  • Is there a limit to how many jobs I can apply to each day using Sly Apply?
    Yes, there is a daily limit of 250 job applications set by LinkedIn. After 24 hours, the limit resets, allowing you to apply to additional jobs the following day
  • How does Sly Apply handle my privacy and security?
    We take your privacy and security seriously. Sly Apply is designed to operate without saving any of your personal information on external servers. All data you enter is stored locally on your computer, and there is no tracking of your activities. We do not store user information, ensuring that you have complete control over your personal data. This approach minimizes risks and maximizes your security, allowing you to manage your job search with confidence and peace of mind
  • Will interviewers know that I used Sly Apply to apply for the job?
    No, interviewers will not be able to tell that you used Sly Apply to apply for the job. The software is designed to mimic human application patterns, ensuring that each submission appears personalized and thoughtful

"When I was switching industries, I needed interview practice with real companies. There's no way I could've gotten so many interviews without this app"

José Masvidal
"College internships are super important, but they're really competitive. I put in as many applications as I could for a week and ended up with three offers!"

Ava Khaleeji

"I can't believe I was applying the normal way before this app. I was literally a boomer. I just wish it did more than 250 job applications every day"

Dora Márquez 

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

ATS Optimized Résumé Template

• Most modern, up-to-date format for 2024 

• Guaranteed increase in interview requests from top companies in tech and sales

• Free lifetime updates included


BONUS: Résumé Writing Guide

Add to cart$49.00
  • Total payment
  • Sly Apply$499
  • Optimized Résumé Template$49

All prices in USD